inkxperiment : TACCIA Ukiyo-e Hiroshige naka murasaki

Geometry 101 Circles …

With every review, I try to create a drawing using only the ink I am reviewing. These small one-ink pieces are an excellent way to show you the colour-range nuances that are hidden within the ink. And I simply enjoy the fun couple of hours these inkxperiments provide me: playing around with the ink in a creative way.

Inspiration for this inkxperiment comes from the field of mathematics. I’m currently reading a book on the history of this pillar of science. Its foundations rise from early efforts on discovering the rules of geometry: lines, circles, triangles, … Fascinating stuff! For this drawing, I decided to focus on circles.

For this drawing, I started with an A4 piece of HP photo paper. I first painted the background with heavily water-diluted ink, applied with cotton swabs. For the filled-in circles, I used self-made rubber stamps and slightly diluted naka murasaki. For the other circles, I used bottle and tin caps of different sizes as stamps, dipping them in pure naka murasaki. As a final touch, I added the drowsy fisherman, lazely resting in his circle, enjoying the early spring sun. The final picture gives you a good idea of what can be achieved with naka murasaki as a drawing ink.

See also: ink review : TACCIA Ukiyo-e Hiroshige naka murasaki

[Originally published on the Fountain Pen Network, on 03 February 2024]

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